The Kingdom helps teach new users of magic and employ them, time to time. Their main magical academy is in Heartland City proper, with others in every major city. They offer free room and board to students who otherwise could not afford such education.
Their effect on the battlefield is unquestionable, and the power they bear is magnificent, but even when not fighting in open warfare they offer a number of benefits such as enchanting items and weapons, can spread rain to crops in need or heal the wounded. Each is dangerous and is able to bring their power to bear if called upon...

Name: Cindy Highcaster
Class: Sorceress
Age: 33
Height: 5'3
Orientation: Bi-Sexual
Position: Dom to Equal |
A seasoned, educated magic user, Cindy is a teacher at the Academy of Magic in the Kingdom's capital and mostly uses elemental magic. When the Academy shuts down for the summers she can be found wandering the lands, enjoying new sights. She is a veteran of several battles, and has been called the 'Highway Hero' for how many highwaymen she's killed in her travels.
She's entertaining the idea of a romance with a nobleman of some standing, but hasn't decided. For the moment she's free to lay with men, and women, as she pleases.

Name: Quill Quest
Class: Wizard
Age: 17
Height: 4'8
Orientation: Bi-Sexual, Lean
Position: Equal to Sub |
The Quests have been adventurers for as long as they can remember. Making their homes in Silverbalde City they head out across Heartland and beyond for adventure, to help others and find lost treasures and secrets.
Quill was expected to follow in their footsteps, but wasn't quite as good with the blade or hammer as her siblings or cousins. She was only really decent with a staff. However she did prove to excel in an area where the rest of her family had no talent; magic.
She has since learned elemental magic as well as some light magic. She has started to learn dark magic as well, but struggles with it. Friendly and helpful she heads into the world to find her way and make a name of herself.
Just never say anything about her height.
Name: Brenda Shadeweave
Class: Witch
Age: 22
Height: 5'10
Orientation: Bi-Sexual
Position: Dom to Equal |
Apprentice to an aged, old witch, Brenda is an adept magic user. A master of dark, shadow magic, she lives off at the foot of a hill, away from a small village. Despite old superstitions she is a member of the community, and her masterful potions and spells are sold, helping the townsfolk. What comments she gets isn't about her profession, but her outfit and how much it lets people see.
She tends to be quiet and soft spoken, but makes no bones about what she thinks when she does speak. She is an inexperienced, but capable, combatant when called upon.

Name: Tia Lighthouse
Class: Priestess
Age: 17
Height: 5'6
Orientation: Straight
Position: Equal to Sub |
Raised in a Temple of Life since a child, she's a young but powerful used of light magic, able to heal, defend and, if needed, attack with holy light. She holds to the teaching of her temple; that life is the most important gift of all, and that once taken it cannot be returned. In battle she prefers to disable or imprison her foes, but if taking a life will save more she will, even if it will make her feel sorrow.
The Temple's views on sex are rather liberal; sex is the path to life with sperm as the seed and the womb as the soil. Even if it doesn't always end in life, the act is cherished and treated as a pleasure to indulge in, but they do frown on the idea of selling sex or laying with those of dark hearts.
Name: Elena Whiteblade
Class: Paladin
Age: 19
Height: 5'8
Orientation: Straight
Position: Equal |
A newly promoted paladin in the Order of the Silver Shield, her enchanted belt protects her from physical and magical harm as well as a suit of full plate armor as she fights for justice. Still eager to prove herself, she is prone to jumping into fights better avoided or handled with guile. Still she's talented and able with blade and shield.
A follower of the Temple of Life, in addition to her martial skills she is an able user of light magic, healing and defending her allies while smiting her foes. While no where near as powerful as the priestesses, she's no slouch with her spells.

Name: Aya Summer
Class: Monk
Age: 26
Height: 5'9
Orientation: Bi-Sexual
Position: Equal |
Somewhere in the Mountains in the Skylander province are an order of Monks who train themselves to physical perfection. Using bare hands, bo staffs and tonfas in battle with little or no armor, they rely on light magic to aid them in battle; using it to heal allies, enhance blows and deflect attacks.
Aya herself was but a girl, traveling with her parents when they were besieged by bandits. Her father attempted to fight them off and was killed for his efforts. Her mother stole off with her, taking arrows to the back. She would later die of her wounds. Not long after one of the monks of the monastery found her sobbing over her mother's corpse and took her in. Since then she trained in their arts and philosophy to defend the weak, fighting all who threaten the innocent and living by the motto of her order.
"The weak horde strength. The strong loan strength to others."

Name: Nel Avenger
Class: Shadow Knight
Age: 23
Height: 5'11
Orientation: Bi-Sexual
Position: Dom to Equal |
A student of sword arts and dark magic, Nel Avenger is one of the newly emerging class of magical warriors; The Shadow Knights of Dealus. Combining powerful, dark magics and brutal swordplay these spell casting warriors do greater damage then their paladin counterparts, at the cost of lacking the more defensive abilities of the holy warriors. Her armor is enchanted and keeps a field of magic about her form, guarding her from magical and physical harms. Nel herself had her sword forged by a blacksmith as she enchanted it herself, dubbing it Havoc Render.
She has quickly gained a reputation for herself, slaying orcs and monsters in the forests to the south, earning her the nickname 'The Night's Wrath.'

Name: Selena Silver
Class: Channeler
Age: ? (Older then 156 years)
Height: 5'0
Orientation: Bi-Sexual, Lean
Position: Any |
Selena Silver, also known as Selena the Ghost Speaker, is not sure where she was born or how exactly she came to be. Her earliest memory is awakening in a seaside graveyard in Whitedawn City in the dead of winter. She was nude but did not feel cold. She was alive and with a beating heart, but it pulsed slowly and she wasn't as warm as other people. She had no memory and bore skin that looked half tanned but possessed an unusual ability.
She could speak with the dead.
No one was sure how this was even possible, but she could commune with the deceased. At first it was only the recently dead but overtime she could call upon and summon, for a while, spirits longer gone. She could even direct spirits into objects so that they could be possessed, the spirits using them as vessels for a time.
She has not aged much, if at all, since she was found. She has joined the Faith of Death and is currently acting as a figurehead; she has no direct authority over the scattered worshipers but her communion with the dead makes her a saint to them.
Selena herself speaks with an emotionless tone, sounding almost distant. She is not unkind, however, nor is she a doll with no feelings; she just has trouble expressing them, even after so long. How is it she came to be..?
"She was once Raven Blackblood, daughter of Gregory Blackblood a once spare to the heir of the Terran Empire. She was permitted to watch an experiment in Hammerstone City involving raising the dead. Then something went wrong. The magic detonated, killing thousands. For her part, Raven was flung into the nearby river and floated westwards through the continent before going out to sea. Her body was imbued with the magic of the experiment, slowly changing her. Drifting north, half of her body was trapped in ice for a time as she slowly transformed.
It was freed in the middle of a massive storm, breaking her from the ice and washing her ashore at the graveyard. Some of her memories of that time remain, but most died with Raven.
Selena the Ghost Speaker is all that remains now, her red eyes glowing. "

Name: Uri Silverguard
Class: Templar
Age: 41
Height: 6'3
Orientation: Bi-Sexual, Lean
Position: Dom to Equal |
The Paladins and Crusaders are the Faith of Life's main warriors. However some rare paladins also become priests or priestesses of the faith. If a paladin who is also a priestess reaches the rank of matron within the faith they are given a unique rank; Templar.
For all intents and purposes a Templar is a matron who's primary purpose is leading paladin's and crusaders into battle. One of the finest of these Templars is Uri Silverguard. Once she was nothing more then a young girl, orphaned by bandits and taken in by a minor noble. Originally she started as the Silverguard's servant until her magical potential was found. She was trained as a priestess, but she learned the sword with the family's heir. As she was old enough to become a priestess and a paladin she married him, rising up the ranks until she became a matron and bearing her husband two daughters and a son.
Sadly her husband died during on a trip to Highwind as Terra invaded the small country. This has given her a massive hatred to Terra and it's rulers. She is a strong advocate for directly fighting them and even pitched the idea that would lead to the creation of the Crusaders.
As a Templar she has the best equipment that the Faith of Life can provide. Her armor is enhanced to be as indestructible as possible and protect the user; she could jump off a cliff to the ground and survive in the suit, in addition to increasing her strength by several times. Her shield, Star Wall, can project a force field that can protect those around her and can project that field forwards at time to knock back foes. Her blade, Star Sabre, can channel her magic and amplify it as well as letting her increase her cutting power.
In addition to her arms and armor she can cast high level light magic in addition to elemental magics. She prefers, however, less powerful spells that she can mix into her melee attacks, but in battles against large masses she'll start with a large spell to break enemy formations.

Name: Sylvana of the Woods
Class: Druid
Age: ? (Presumed to be early 20s)
Height: ? (Possibly Between 5'7 to 5'10)
Orientation: Bi-Sexual, Lean
Position: Any |
Who Sylvana is and her exact origins are unknown. She lives in the woods south of Fortress Francis, moving between several small huts she's set up and has few possessions beyond a gnarled oak staff. She is a mage of sorts; her spells focus on the plant life around her, making plants and trees grow, fast enough to entangle her foes or impale them on thorns. In addition she can communicate with animals to a degree; able to speak with them and ask or barter for assistance. Thanks to her abilities she's been able to defeat most any orc that's come to her domain.
However she is ultimately an enigma; but she had healed and assisted those who passed her before so the people of the area give her the respect she deserves.

Name: Helen Freebird
Class: Bishop
Age: 27
Height: 5'3
Orientation: Straight
Position: Equal to Sub |
Born to a raped woman and an unknown solider, she did not know either parent. She was born in Terra as a member of the peasant class and had nothing but rape, horror and abuse to look forwards to until members of the Path to Peace, an underground group of rebel smugglers, got her out of the Empire at age six. She was taken to Port Spearhead and from there an orphanage in Heartland City.
She bore no family name so was given the name 'Freebird' from the matron that ran the orphanage she stayed at. At the woman's feet she took in knowledge of the Faith of Life and wanted to mimic the her, the closest thing she ever had to a parent. At age fifteen she became a priestess and moved to Goldenport, studying light magic under the cathedral's bishop. Seeing the depressing conditions of the slums, a reminder of her sad childhood, she vowed to help as best she could.
Just before she turned twenty-one the bishop she served under died. The day after her birthday three matrons, including her mother figure came to interview her and others to decide who the next bishop would be and, seven days later, choose her to be a bishop of the order. Overjoyed she took over the local cathedral and began work to try and set up jobs for those in need of coin and occupation.
She is serious and devout to a fault, but kind and giving to those in need. Any man wishing to pursue her may have to settle for being second in her heart to her faith.

Name: Olga Grasswalker
Class: Shaman
Age: 19
Height: 5'2
Orientation: Straight
Position: Equal |
A follower of Floress, she was once just a daughter of a hunter until she ran into an old, wise shaman who communicated with the animals around him. Soon he was teaching her various things. How to craft potions and remedies, magic that would let her control plants and influence animals as well as effect the weather to a minor degree. She learned all she could until the man's death, at which point she took his place as the shaman of her community. Living in a cabin, separate but apart
A nudist, when she can get away with it, some of the local boys do their best to spy on her to see a naked female. She sells her remedies to the town and does her best to help. She can handle herself in a fight if need be, but would rather just summon a bear to handle it for her.

Name: Kimberly Westwind
Class: Cleric
Age: 23
Height: 5'8
Orientation: Straight
Position: Equal to Sub |
Not all those who follow a god join the church's ranks or enlist in the faith's forces. Some decide to be independent of them and spread the word of their given lord in their own way. These people are collectively called Clerics by most people.
A follower of Osin, the God of Thought, she is a well read woman with an open mind and a willingness to find truth. Daughter to a Priestess of Life who was saddened by the fact her daughter chose a different faith to follow, she has been trained in light magic since birth, but has over her travels learned fire and wind magics as well.
Honest, calm and good-natured she seeks to bring justice and hope to those in need. In addition to her magic she wields a hammer that can imbue itself with magic and a shield that absorbs any but the most powerful magical attacks.

Name: Hannah Crimson
Class: Red Mage
Age: 17
Height: 5'4
Orientation: Bi-Sexual
Position: Switch and Equal |
An orphan left at a hospital after she was born, she was raised by a minor Baron as his own daughter after his beloved wife passed on, leaving him with no children. Learning the ways of the blade she found a talent for elemental magic. Still learning at the Academy of Magic she spends some of her off time adventuring outside Earthbound City. She's talented, eager and more than able to get over her head and hopefully get out.
While she's an able user of blades and spells she's not excellent in either, relying on mixing both martial skill and magical might to get by.

Name: Paula Heartman
Class: Matron
Age: 28
Height: 5'9
Orientation: Straight
Position: Equal to Sub |
Born to a noblemen, and a relative of the Heartland royal family, Paula was a church going girl since a young age and became a priestess of the Faith of Life at age 14. By age 24 she had become a bishop and at age 27 a Matron. She had always been a controversial one, and much more eager to take the fight to Terra. She also enjoyed sex and sexuality far more compared to other Bishops and Matrons. Rumors of her old confessional being run like a gloryhole continue to this day.
She is very sweet on younger men especially and older boys. In addition she also supports Zenith's Temple of Fertility, at least in part, and has met with her on and off. Rumors she goes to the Temple are unfounded.
Her eldest daughter, however, does. With her blessing.

Name: Diana Cross
Class: Summoner
Age: 15
Height: 5'4
Orientation: Bi-Sexual, Lean
Position: Equal to Sub |
Only some people are born with the ability to cast magic. Of these few even fewer are gifted with the ability to summon spirits to assist them in battle. Diana is one of these few, able to create elementals of fire, earth, wind and water to assist her. In addition her ability to fashion golems is nearly unmatched, as well as gifting them with elemental abilities. Her own non-summoning magic is formidable, but not as potent. Diana is a calm, gentle girl who would rather collect herbs and use her summoned friends and creations to help other people out, having them fix things and do work.
This does not mean, however, she cannot fight or use her summoned and created minions to decimate her foes. One bandit gang, the Laughing Jackals, attacked her small village seeking easy prey. Diana decimated them to the point they no long exist, either dead, captured or fled to join another gang.

Name: Sorina Silverweave
Class: Sage
Age: 67
Height: 5'6
Orientation: Bi-Sexual
Position: Equal to Sub |
Sorina has been in the service of the Heartland Royal Family since the Queen was in the womb. She was apprenticed to the court's royal mage for years before taking his place upon his retirement. She even served as a babysitter for the then young queen, and later on her daughters.
She has earned the title of Sage; someone who has mastered magic from all elemental fields as well as dark and light spells making her one of the most flexible and knowledge spell casters around. Added on top of her magical power she's a force to be reckoned with anytime she takes the field.
Wise, calm, collected and friendly, as well as a bit of prankster when the mood strikes her, she enjoys playing games like chess and pool with people. Her husband, who was thirty years her elder, has already passed on leaving her with two daughters and four grandsons. Despite her age her magic has helped her age with exceptional grace.

Name: Grace the Seventh
Birth Name: Misty Freeborn
Class: Grand Matron
Age: 36
Height: 5'8
Orientation: Bi-Sexual, Lean
Position: Equal to Sub |
One of the world's leading masters of life and light magic, she has risen in the ranks of the Church of Life over the course of her life. Born a child of a whore and her client she was abandoned at a church for adoption. She never was, however, adopted. Instead she learned magic under the elderly priest at her local church who treated her like a daughter, helping her become a Priestess at the age of fifteen. Her magic grew in power and she saw a need for it. She used her magic to heal the sick and wounded, traversing the roads around Hightower, Heartland, Earthbound Cities as well as Fort Blaine, protecting travelers and stop[ping bandits by fighting when needed, but attempting to speak with them and lead them to a better path. When she turned twenty she took over the church she grew up in after her father figure died.
She became a Bishop at age twenty three she gained some fame in stopping a small bandit band by feeding them, giving them some coin and then leading them to a small village and integrating them as hard workers as opposed to thieves. It was the main reason she would take a seat as Matron.
At age twenty seven she entered the voting for the next Grand Matron after the retirement of Mercy the Third and was one of the six names listed as a possible successor. As arguments sounded around her about who the next Grand Matron should be she stood up and spoke plainly. She spoke that they needed to strengthen their resolve and use their reach to gather more might to fight Terra, citing the conquest of Highwind as a reason to increase their arms.
"We bicker over who our next leader is, how virtuous one Matron or the other is. What scriptures they know, how holy they are, how they intend to lead the faith. None speak of deeds that need to be done. None speak of threats that must be tackled, problems to be solved. Perhaps we should advocate less on who has the best knowledge of scripture, and more on who has a plan of action."
Some of her rivals scoffed at it... Until Misty Freeborn was asked to shed her name and assume a new one as Grand Matron. She became Grace the Seventh and made a vow that Highwind would someday be liberated and Terra vanquished.